Technical Jargons and Buzzwords
An endpoint is any device that is physically an end point on a network. Laptops, desktops, mobile phones, tablets, servers, and virtual environments can all be considered endpoints.
Endpoint SecurityEndpoint security refers to cybersecurity services for network endpoints. These services may include antivirus, email filtering, web filtering, and firewall services.
Antivirus software is a program or set of programs that are designed to prevent, search for, detect, and remove software viruses, and other malicious software like worms, trojans, adware, and more.
Web Filtering
URL filtering is a type of technology that helps businesses control their users’ and guests’ ability to access certain content on the web. If you’ve ever gotten a “block” page while surfing the internet at the office, then your company is using web filtering.

A firewall is a security system that typically sits between you as a computer user and the internet. It monitors and controls traffic to and from the internet based on a set of security rules. Think of it like the bouncer at a night club. The bouncer looks at everyone in line and decides who can come in using a set of criteria. Imagine that he can tell, just by looking at you, who you are, where you’re from, and whether you’re going to cause trouble. If you’re on the guest list, he might send you straight to the VIP area. But if you look like a troublemaker or have a bad reputation, there’s no way he’ll let you in. Firewalls do the same thing with files and communications trying to get to your computer. They let in the good files and keep out the bad. They can also help control which applications on your computer are able to communicate with the internet, especially on their own.

Firewalls can be hardware- or software-based, or some combination of the two. 

A broad term for software and services that run on the internet
Private Branch Exchange, which is a private telephone system that enables an organization to communicate internally as well as externally. The PBX is the “machine” that routes incoming calls, enables you to transfer calls to other extensions, and houses all the specifications of how your phone system should work.
Cloud PBX
A business phone system that is hosted entirely on servers in off-site data centers and powered over the internet. A cloud PBX can provide even more features than a traditional PBX phone system, while enabling a non-technical administrator to easily set everything up.